Matching corporate donors with recipient communities is easy and effective through the Digital Wings programme

At Digital Wings we are committed to a clean and thriving Aotearoa New Zealand

Sustainable Business, Circular Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility made easy and cost-neutral to you. Through partnering in the Digital Wings programme, business donors can fulfil their sustainability goals by leaving all the work to us. This is win-win for the private/public and community sectors, with also win-win for the NZ economy and environment. Ensure your e-waste stays out of the landfill, while your viable equipment is shared to the charitable sector free of charge. Digital Wings further supports youth into education and employment with our free Rangatahi Digital Workshop video library and Training for Trainers to assist charities to deliver the education.

Our donation partners report the ease and convenience of disposal of their expired equipment through Digital Wings. We create a donation agreement with you, then your company simply fills in a form online and the rest is taken care of: pickup, security wiping, reporting, refurbishment and re imaging, dispatch or recycling and disposal. What’s more, after 12 months you receive an update report on how your donation has contributed to the recipient communities supported via Digital Wings. Success stories here.

Businesses responsibly dispose of viable electronic Equipment while helping young New Zealanders flourish

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Digital Wings
Digital Wings

“Transpower has been a donor of surplus IT equipment to Digital Wings since the latter’s inception.  We appreciate the hassle-free process that they offer in terms of collection and reporting on our equipment. Sustainability is an increasingly important feature of our business, and knowing we are finding a way of giving back to communities while also responsibly disposing of our old IT gear is incredibly satisfying to us.” - Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Transpower NZ Ltd.

“It has been a humbling experience to have such valued resources donated to our service. The innovation and opportunities these computers have created for our youth have been phenomenal.”

“Thanks, you guys rock! I probably would not have got that job if I didn’t have a computer to do my CV on.”

“It is pretty cool that people who don’t know you can give these things to you to help.”


At Digital Wings we are committed to a clean and thriving Aotearoa New Zealand

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